"La Ventana" Acquired by the Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Flatbed is proud to announce the acquisition of La Ventana by the Museum of Fine Arts Houston. La Ventana was created in 2013 at Flatbed by artist Alice Leora Briggs with the assistance of printers Tracy Mayrello and Cordelia Blanchard. We consider La Ventana to be one of Flatbed’s finest publications. The finished print image measures 59 3/4 x 39 1/2 inches and the overall print size is 63 1/2 x 41 1/2 inches. Briggs carved the images into a 60 x 40-inch birch plywood block by hand. She and the printers printed the image onto Rives BFK paper with select cut shapes of Japan Kitakata chine colléd to add the buff-colored areas to the image. The print was published in a small edition of ten.

The Museum of Fine Arts Houston has been recognized as having one of the nation’s best printmaking and drawing collections. Flatbed is thrilled to have one of our most ambitious prints created with Alice Leora Briggs as a part of their permanent collection. For information about the print link to La Ventana.